Underground tunnel Complex RIESE:

A series of information brochures providing maps and information about the RIESE Complex in Gory Sowie. Covering the three main tunnel complexes of:- Osówka, Włodarz and Rzeczka.

Available in Polish, english and German Languages.

Underground tunnel complex RZECZKA

Aerial Map of the Gory

Sowie region.

Fascinating aerila photography giving a comprhensive overview of the entire Gory Sowie underground complex. Pavked full of information about the area.

Góry Sowie fotomapa Podziemne kompleksy RIESE

"Tajemnice Gór Sowich"

Author: Jerzy Cera

Published 1998

The definitive guide to the mysteries of the Underground tunnel complex under the mountains of Gory Sowie.

The Author was amongst the first group to discover the Nazi built structures whose purpose still remains a mystery and continues to fascinate to this day.

The book provides fascinating first hand knowledge on the subject


The Mysteries of Gory Sowie. A book by the author and expert Jerzy Cera

Panorama map of the

Małopolskie region in Southern poland.

A beautifully rendered map of the region looking south from Krakow to the Tatry mountains.

Panorama Map of Małopolskie

Sudatow (Large)"

A beautifully rendered map of the Lower Silesia region.

Panorama południowej części Małopolski

Sudatow (Small)"

A beautifully rendered map of the Lower Silesia region.

Panorama południowej części Małopolski

Hurtownia Papieru Kraków - Hurtownia Kartonu Kraków - Opakowania Tekturowe Kraków - Opakowania Kartonowe Kraków - Opakowania Papierowe Kraków - Konfekcjonowanie Kraków

INTER CERA Sp. z o.o., 31-588 Kraków, ul. Siwka 15.  12 262 03 66, 513 08 28 78 biuro@intercera.pl, www.intercera.pl, Hurtownia Kartonu